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Monday, 18 September 2017

How to change your search engine in browser

Friends, Sometimes you might have noticed that when you search something with search engine of your browser. You will find a completely different search result as compared to google search engine. It seems very annoying to most of our friends. But it happens sometimes. Today, I am going to share a simple solution for this problem.

 It is very simple to change the search engine of your browser. Just follow up the following Steps.



1. Open you browser.
2. Go to Option.
3.  Go to “Mange search engine”.
 You will find two Sections: Default search options and other search engines.
In the Default search options:
Delete the current Google search option but you will have to select a different Default search before Google can be deleted.
In the other search engine section: Add a new search engine i.e. Google (or the one you want)

Change the XXX to the search site you want so add .com or or .es etc.
After finishing it, Make it Default.
That’s All.
For further quarries, comment in the box below.

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